Monday, December 19, 2011

Get Ants Marathon: Qualifying Standards and Registration

The following information is for race qualification. To achieve an official finish, you must meet the requirements set forth here on race day.

To participate in this race, you must meet the designated time standard consistent with your age, gender, and weight. You must have 3 qualifying races, each to have been completed within 365 days of the start of this race.

All 3 qualifying races must meet the most elite category. For example, if you put on too much weight after your first qualifying race, you will still have to meet the requirements for the category with the lighter weight. Another example: If you turn 19 after 2 qualifying races, you must still meet the requirements for the 0-18 category on your 3rd qualifying race. You may also start over by trying to achieve 3 qualifying times under those new, easier standards.

A qualifying race must be held by an organization that has had that course certified by the USATF to be at least 26.3 miles long. The following information must either be included in the race results, accessible via the race website, or obtainable by our verification committee from the race organizers or race director:

1) Your Name
First and Last
2) Your Age
Not at the start of the race, but at the finish
3) Your Gender
To be verified by a race official, preferably a licensed physician. Please do not send naked photos of yourself, as this was allowed for previous events, but we found many of them to be photoshopped.
4) Your Finishing Time
H:MM:SS.##, Incomplete Data Will Be Replaced With ":59" or ".99"
5) A Signed Statement by a Race Official, Stating That You Completed the Entire Distance, and That Your Time is Accurate
This Document Must Also Be Notarized, and the Organization Must Claim this Personal as a Race Official
6) Your Weight
Your weight must also be verified. It is unreasonable to expect race organizers to meet our standard on this, so you'll have to make special arrangements for them to collect this data. You may also purchase the services of one of our verification committee members (Fee is $15/hour and Full Travel Reimbursement - We will need credit card information in advance). Your weight must be calculated within 15 minutes of the start of the race, as well as within 5 minutes after the race. After being weighed at the start of the race, you may not evacuate your bowels or bladder into an object other than the clothing you are wearing until you have crossed the start line (shitting your pants is allowed). After you have crossed the finish line, and before you have been weighed, you may not evacuate your bowels or bladder (the same standard applies for shitting or pissing yourself). The two numbers will be averaged to establish your weight for qualifying standards.
7) A Photo of You on the Race Course
To Further Verify Your Identification.

Qualifying Standards

Age Gender Weight Finish Time
(yrs) (pounds) (H:MM:SS.MS)
0-18 Male 0-100 2:20:00.00
0-18 Male 100-120 2:30:00.00
0-18 Male 120-140 2:45:00.00
0-18 Male 140-160 2:45:01.00
0-18 Male 160-180 2:45:02.00
0-18 Male 180-200 2:45:03.00
0-18 Male over 200 2:45:04.00
0-18 Female 0-100 2:59:59.93
0-18 Female 100-120 2:59:59.94
0-18 Female 120-140 2:59:59.95
0-18 Female 140-160 2:59:59.96
0-18 Female 160-180 2:59:59.97
0-18 Female 180-200 2:59:59.98
0-18 Female over 200 2:59:59.99
19-35 Male 0-100 2:15:00.00
19-35 Male 100-120 2:20:00.00
19-35 Male 120-140 2:25:00.00
19-35 Male 140-160 2:30:00.00
19-35 Male 160-180 2:35:00.00
19-35 Male 180-200 2:40:00.00
19-35 Male over 200 2:45:00.00
19-35 Female 0-100 3:02:00.00
19-35 Female 100-120 3:02:30.00
19-35 Female 120-140 3:03:00.00
19-35 Female 140-160 3:03:30.00
19-35 Female 160-180 3:04:00.00
19-35 Female 180-200 3:04:30.00
19-35 Female over 200 3:05:00.00
36-49 Male 0-100 3:02:00.00
36-49 Male 100-120 3:02:30.00
36-49 Male 120-140 3:03:00.00
36-49 Male 140-160 3:03:30.00
36-49 Male 160-180 3:04:00.00
36-49 Male 180-200 3:04:30.00
36-49 Male over 200 3:05:00.00
36-49 Female 0-100 3:09:00.00
36-49 Female 100-120 3:10:00.00
36-49 Female 120-140 3:11:00.00
36-49 Female 140-160 3:12:00.00
36-49 Female 160-180 3:13:00.00
36-49 Female 180-200 3:14:00.00
36-49 Female over 200 3:15:00.00
50-75 Male 0-100 3:09:00.00
50-75 Male 100-120 3:10:00.00
50-75 Male 120-140 3:11:00.00
50-75 Male 140-160 3:12:00.00
50-75 Male 160-180 3:13:00.00
50-75 Male 180-200 3:14:00.00
50-75 Male over 200 3:15:00.00
50-75 Female 0-100 3:30:00.00
50-75 Female 100-120 3:31:00.00
50-75 Female 120-140 3:32:00.00
50-75 Female 140-160 3:33:00.00
50-75 Female 160-180 3:34:00.00
50-75 Female 180-200 3:35:00.00
50-75 Female over 200 3:36:00.00
76 & Up Male 0-100 3:50:00.00
76 & Up Male 100-120 3:51:00.00
76 & Up Male 120-140 3:52:00.00
76 & Up Male 140-160 3:53:00.00
76 & Up Male 160-180 3:54:00.00
76 & Up Male 180-200 3:55:00.00
76 & Up Male over 200 3:56:00.00
76 & Up Female 0-100 3:52:00.00
76 & Up Female 100-120 3:53:00.00
76 & Up Female 120-140 3:54:00.00
76 & Up Female 140-160 3:55:00.00
76 & Up Female 160-180 3:56:00.00
76 & Up Female 180-200 3:57:00.00
76 & Up Female over 200 3:59:59.99

If you meet the qualification standards, provide all necessary documentation to LT Jay at "Boone Marathon Series at gmail dot com," along with proper documentation to prove that your net worth exceeds $200,000. There is no registration fee.

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